Onyx wins Best in KLAS.

Academy training drives home the importance of health data privacy principles that are foundational to all Onyx Product Development.

In 2021 Onyx established a FHIR Academy to train technologists that could support Onyx’s mission to expand the use of FHIR Interoperability across healthcare. Onyx has now seen two classes emerge from the program. The members of each class faced a rigorous selection process that whittled down thousands of applicants to a select few. The program covered all aspects of modern software development in addition to learning about the FHIR Specification and the Implementation Guides that are re-shaping the healthcare industry. 

You can read more about the FHIR Academy here and how the graduates from each class subsequently complete HIPAA Privacy Training as a critical step to becoming members of the Onyx Team.  

Onyx’s participation at the HL7 Connectathon and Work Group Meeting this week (September 17-23) confirmed that demand for FHIR Development skills continues to expand at a dramatic pace. Onyx’s FHIR Academy helps to address this need. It provides Onyx with a growing pool of talented software engineers that understand the complexities of the healthcare world and the knowledge to apply FHIR to build innovative solutions for our clients.

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