HLTH is just around the corner

Let's Network at HLTH

HLTH 2023 is upon us (October 8-11). Let’s meet! There is so much to talk about with the acceleration of the adoption of FHIR for Interoperability.

HLTH Needs a Few Vowels to Represent Patients

AEOIOU: A Recipe for Patient Engagement

With a sense of Déjà Vu, HLTH 2022 announced their Impact Program “Patients at HLTH” track. I Plan to be there. Let’s meet! Mark Scrimshire – 2022-11-03: Next Week (November 13-16 ) I will be heading to Las Vegas to attend HLTH 2022. I am delighted to see that their is a “PATIENTS AT HLTH” […]

Is a FHIR Storm coming to the EMR World?

A FHIR Storm is coming in the EMR world

October 6th, 2022 was a momentous day. A milestone for ONC Information blocking rules was reached. The definition of Electronic Health Information is no longer limited to the US Core Data for Interoperability version 1 (USCDI v1). Is this signaling a coming FHIR Storm for EMR systems?

What if the Health Insurance Card was ACTUALLY useful…

Whenever we go to the Doctor’s office we are invariably asked for a Driver’s License and Health Insurance Card which is Photocopied or scanned. At Onyx, we believe a digital insurance card can be dramatically more useful. The CARIN Alliance has been working with health plans to develop a HL7 FHIR Implementation Guide that enables […]